“Civilized Man”
By Sara Metcalf Leach, High Desert Branch
If ceremony is the mark of civilized man
and decorum keeps the peace,
then whatever is he to do
who now lives upon the streets?
Does he still think of me?
Was I not once his reason to be
the man who saved eternity?
He fought and slew
and made anew
sweet days and nights
to carry us through.
I long to know him once again.
I look into his eyes and see
my death at the hand of history,
but I cannot stop myself
from climbing into his arms
and dissolving into the bliss
of his warm kiss
as we drift into the golden dust
of unmeasured time.
Sara Metcalf Leach, a frequent contributor,
wrote a companion piece entitled “Time.”
Watch for it in next month’s socalwritersshowcase.com.