Dansa for Spring

Dansa for Spring
By Samuel Thomas Nichols, Inland Empire Branch

Spring has arrived upon our latitude
Replete with vivid hues, tints, and pigments
Beauty beyond faith tests nature’s limits
While flora and fauna rejoice renewed
Spring has arrived upon our latitude
The coyotes and crows wax implicit
And the heaven’s moisture rains explicit
With skies that weather clouded attitude
Spring has arrived upon our latitude
Rivulets flow and mockingbirds mimic
Singing their praises in careful snippets
Rejoicing near and far with gratitude
Spring has arrived upon our latitude
Geese in their vees make quite an exhibit
Honking in turn like disgruntled critics
Stopping over to boost their fortitude
Spring has arrived upon our latitude
Evening brings out the chirping crickets
Bantering for mates in shrubs and thickets
From deserts to the higher altitudes
Spring has arrived upon our latitude
Mornings provide another exhibit
With sunshine clearing the eastern summit
Prizing the power of her magnitude
Spring has arrived upon our latitude
There is nothing that Spring will prohibit
When treasuring her minute to minute
And being thankful for her interlude
Spring has arrived upon our latitude


“Dansa for Spring” first appeared in the
May 2021 edition of Fresh Ink, the newsletter of the
Inland Empire Branch.