See the January 2018 for Part I of this candid foray into the world of a writer’s life.
Living Authorly, Part II
By Jenna Elizabeth Jonson, Coastal Dunes Branch
3.) Despite The Struggle, We Persevere
I’m not going to lie. There are days (usually during the wee hours of the night) when I wonder why I even bother. Maybe book sales are down that month, or my characters are being difficult, or someone wrote a particularly nasty review about one of my books, or all that money spent on marketing didn’t help sales at all…. Simply existing can put us writers in an “off” mood. However, I get through those moments by remembering that I’ll always snap out of it, no matter how bad it seems in the moment. I remind myself of all the successful authors out there who were once in my exact same position – exact same state of mind – and the future starts to look bright again. Although we do so in the shadows, and our struggles aren’t up on the stage in the spotlight, some of the toughest, most tenacious people you’ll ever meet are writers.
4.) You, The Reader, May Be Our Lifeline
Yes, you read that correctly. Authoring can be a very lonely pursuit, and as much as our families love and support us, they don’t always understand the struggles we go through. Thankfully, we have Readers. Our Readers reassure us when that Impostor Syndrome hits hard. They rise to our defense when someone leaves a negative review. They brighten our spirits with emails of gratitude when we are feeling down. Yes, we authors will always write, but it is the dedicated Reader that makes those tough days easier on us. We appreciate you all, even if we struggle to find the perfect way to show it.
Forgive me for taking on a more dismal tone this time around for Living Life Authorly, but sometimes I am compelled to discuss what is on my mind, even if it seems unpleasant. I decided to talk about the darker side of a writer’s life this time for a few reasons. First, I consider connecting with my readers a very important part of my career as an author, and honesty is key (if I want to share the good, I should share the bad as well). Secondly, the publishing world is in a strange limbo of late, with a lot more “paying to play” activity going on. It’s tough to sell books when your royalty checks simply can’t cover your marketing budget. It’s very frustrating being an indie author right now, at least for many of us. Talking about it and sharing the experience is its own form of therapy. And finally, I also want those of you who are writers to know that yes, this is a tough endeavor and it is made up of many facets. It’s okay to struggle. It’s okay to want to chuck it all (but please, don’t do that!). You are allowed to have bad days, even if there is no logical reason for them, and it’s even better to celebrate the good. My goal with Living Life Authorly is always to share my experiences so that maybe yours will be easier, or those hard days may be smoother knowing that you are not the only one trying to find your place in the world of writing and publishing.
The feature column Living Life Authorly appears regularly in The Creative World of Jenna Elizabeth Johnson.
This excerpt comes from the September 15, 2017 edition.