Riffs on Covid

Riffs on Covid
By Kathryn Atkins, Long Beach Branch

Covid TV Shows:
The Untouchables: “The Unhuggables.”
Hill Street Blues: now “Bedside Blues”

Song Remakes:
West Side Story’s
“I Feel Pretty” = “I Feel S**itty”
“When You’re a Jet” = When You’re in Bed”

The Battle Hymn of the Pandemic


Rhymes with Pandemicated:

  1. De-pandemicated
  2. Isolated
  3. Under-aided
  4. Abdicated
  5. Overrated
  6. Underrated
  7. Complicated
  8. Unanticipated
  9. Age-correlated
  10. Co-created
  11. Fight-deflated
  12. Manipulated
  13. Desiccated
  14. Emasculated
  15. Disassociated
  16. De-graduated
  17. Doubly-hated
  18. De-populated
  19. Extricated
  20. De-stimulated
  21. Anti-titillated
  22. Over-Violated
  23. Vaccine-Slated
  24. Space-invaded!!


©2020 by Kathryn Atkins. Read more at My Piano Hands: A Flash Memoir Collection, the newest book by Kathryn Atkins, at www.mypianohands.com.