Dear Colleagues

Dear Colleagues
By Karenh Gorback, San Fernando Valley Branch

As I write this article, election season has ended and Thanksgiving is near. In my family, as in others, our Thanksgiving dinner begins with the tradition of inviting all the people around the table to say what they are thankful for. Occasionally, an outlier will express thanks for Costco pies; but generally, it’s the more important things in life – family and

friends. So, here’s a twist: What if all the members of the California Writers Club were sitting around a table, and we each took a minute to say why we were thankful to be part of the writing community.

What would you say?

I’ll start.

First, I’m thankful to work among other, like-minded individuals who believe in the wonder of the written word – to teach, to entertain, to enlighten, to motivate, to bring people together. Although we know that words can also sting, mislead and tear people apart, I choose my colleagues carefully and feel safe among all of you.

Second, I’m thankful for an umbrella organization that believes in the value of diversity among its members. A few years ago, I volunteered to help write a policy on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the California Writers Club (CWC). The policy was approved by the Central Board and is now part of CWC’s Policy and Procedures (page 28). Please read it when you have a chance and help bring even greater diversity into the organization.

Finally, I’m thankful for the time to spend pursuing an encore career in a field that satisfies my need for creativity, brings me immense joy, and provides me with an opportunity to help make the world a better place.

Best wishes to you, dear colleagues, for a joyous holiday season, a Happy, Healthy New Year, and continued opportunities, in whatever you write, to help make the world a better place.



Karen Gorback wrote this for her President’s Column
in the December  2024 Valley Scribe,
 newsletter of the San Fernando Valley Branch.