My Favorite Word

My Favorite Word
By Margaret Lange, Coastal Dunes Branch

I want to tell you about my favorite word
but I think that I should whisper it
so as not to make the other words feel left out,
like malevolent.
Even though it’s hard to pronounce
it’s still useful for describing overlords.
And sublime,
a crystal vase sort of word,
a perfectly lovely word
but not my favorite word.

And there are other words that are oozy sorts of words
that have a perfect right to be spoken,
just not before noon if I get my way,
like coagulate and pus.
If I were to offend these words
by telling you my favorite word in front of them
I wouldn’t mind.
So, here goes.

My favorite word is also.
Because it’s the ahh of opening a gift box,
of holding a baby for the first time,
of finding that the answer is finally clear,
of coming to the end of an exhausting day.
And also is the oh of knowing,
and of sorrow that seeps out of the word sorrow.

Also, also is a perfectly placed footbridge
over a gorge to the other side,
and also is the trail on the other side
that leads to a path of endless stepping stones.
And also is a stone
tumbled smooth,
the next bead strung on a forever garland
shimmering so
through the perfect all.