Warm Thoughts
By Bob Okowitz, San Fernando Valley Branch
My soul begins to quiet
As I walk on the beach.
The early morning air is crisp,
The sun is strong, and I breathe deeply to relax.
The warmth of the sun helps
Clear my mind of the worries
Life gives us. Work, the news,
Social obligations. So much to do.
Summer is my favorite season.
I love the warm days.
Doing laps at the pool, or going to the beach.
It’s my time to relax, to bring back my smile.
Watching baseball games every Saturday.
Sunday dinner might be at the park,
Or at Auntie Marie’s house, my favorite aunt.
It’s always great to be there.
My brother told me
I was a dolphin in a prior life
I loved swimming so much.
I feel happiest in the water.
Once, I was at Cape Cod.
A wave caught me and it
Tumbled me three times.
It was exciting. I felt free.
I didn’t tell my parents about it.
They would be agitated,
And keep me out of the water.
No way that could happen.
We dolphins need to be in the water!
“Warm Thoughts” first ran in the April 2024
Valley Scribe, newsletter of the San Fernando Branch.