Writers Have Learned to Use the Wide, Wide Web
By Kathy Highcove, San Fernando Branch
A decade ago, when I first edited this newsletter, many of our members were just learning how to explore the Internet. They sought to publish a book or submit a short story, poem, or an article to a zine or printed publication. Many members needed help finding these online zines, writing contests, anthologies and podcasts that welcomed submissions.
As an editor, I wanted a volunteer to search the web for those publications and write a monthly column. Initially, I found volunteers for that role. But as our members became computer savvy, they were able to find their own publishers and the column was eventually discontinued.
If you are interested in publishing your work and need to find the right publication, please be proactive: research and heed submission tips from your critique group fellows and from such sources as our monthly speakers. Search online, as I did in preparation for this article.
Within fifteen minutes I discovered several intriguing short story and poetry contests. I selected just two [PEN/Robert J. Dau Short Story Prize for Emerging Writers and First Book Award / Poets & Writers (pw.org)].
But I encourage you to look online for yourself. Opportunities for publication and contests are waiting for you in cyber space. And if your research is successful, please share your good news in The Valley Scribe.
This piece originally appeared in the August 2024
Valley Scribe, newsletter of the San Fernando Branch.